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Hope Lets the Light in

Hope. There is nothing like it. Hope has the power to transform impossibility, infusing possibility into the most difficult circumstances. At Life Choices, we regularly see the power of hope in action.

“Abortion is not me,” Elisa (not her real name) said with her head hung low. “I would never choose to have an abortion, but I don’t see any other way.”

Elisa continued to share her story, a difficult one indeed. As she poured out her heart, she was met with compassion. Our nurse discussed abortion education, along with life-affirming options. At the end of the appointment, Elisa’s face was brighter.

“Thank you,” she said. “I think it’s going to be okay.”

Every day we are here for women like Elisa to listen to them without judgment. We offer a safe place where they can process their thoughts instead of keeping them locked up, whirling around in their own head. Hope lets the light in, and God shows up in that space.

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